17.07.2008, 12:16 Uhr |
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hammer geile stimme und tolles Album... mach weiter so... liebe grüße und danke für das Album | | | |
14.07.2008, 21:01 Uhr |
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Von: me
Man kann hier garnix lesen weil alles schwarz ist. nettes album. hau rein | | | |
10.07.2008, 20:52 Uhr |
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Von: H.a.s.s.e.
Sehr schön meine Lieblingseule. Wünsche dir Erfolg mit dem Kram cucu :> | | | |
10.07.2008, 18:58 Uhr |
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Von: Patrick
Glückwunsch Eule zu diesem geilen album!!
du weißt das diese musik nich ganz meinem geschmack entspricht aber mir gefällts trotzdem^^
ich versuche am 5.8. zu kommen....kans dir aber nich versprechen^^
bis dann
| | | |
10.07.2008, 09:07 Uhr |
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Von: valle
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09.07.2008, 14:48 Uhr |
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The hardest part about moving forward is not to look back...
But remember, there is always that one person, that will always have your heart...
I think you will understand me..
We do not need many words to understand each other.. Hey,you know what? I think we are soulmates
As you know, we know each other since a very long time now.. Do not forget, we will tell our grandchildren about the Hollywood-Lovestory that we have written.. True friends are so hard to find.. But I think I had the luck to find the one.. Such is life!
I promise, I will never forget our funny time together.. Hehe.. I am writing as if we will not see us anymore.. But you know that this is not true.. Although we will be in different classes, I hope our friendship will last for ever... Seriously, anything can happen.. You know.. friends will come and friends will go..
But true friends will stay for ever..
You will always have a place in my little heart.. Even when we are old and grey.. XDD
And I hope you will not forget me either Well.. I suppose that would just happen if you jumped with your headlong of a balcony..
But that will never happen, I guess..
So.. Soon you will be in the USA and I will be in Great Britain.. I wish you a very good time and live every day as if it was your last...
You never know what may happen the next day.. And take every chance, you may never have it agaian.. We are young and we will not stay it for ever... you know...
It started when we were younger.. you were my.... my.. whaat..? xD
Our story is impossible and unbelievable..
But I think all our friends.. I mean those who really know us two from the beginning onward, know it already and I do not have to tell it again.. but..well...
I do not understand our story either..
maybe it just has not a happy ending.. well.. life is hard and we know that not everything can be a fairy-tale We just did not got to find a place without time and space..
We had good times.. and also bad times..
We even argued a lot and there were times when I really hated you.. Seriously, there were moments when my greatest wish was to kill you..
And I also know the times when you hated me..
Hey, I think your heart is too big.. your heart is made out of gold.. If I were you, I think I would hate me a lot more... But, I feel relieved that you are how you are..
Remember.. the opposite of love is not hate.. You know it as well as me..
Juls.. You are a very special person..
You just always try to see the good sides..
But.. not every person is nice!
Take care and do not let the people cheat you my dear.. But even when you are sometimes a bit too naiv, stay how you are.. Well.. I am sure, that you will change during your time in the USA, but never forget the little Juls, who always had a phoetical sentence(? xD) on his lips..
I can say you are one of the few people,who really know me.. I mean from the head to the leg.. But everyboday has to change some day.. I hope you will recognize me when we both will be back after our stay abroad..
Well.. What did I want to say? xD
I just wanted to thank you for everything.
We do not need many words to understand each other.. We have so many words, that just we two could understand..
I think, less words tell you more...
Damn.. now I have forgotten to write something about your music xD WTF.. HAHAHAHA..
I am your grouuuupiiie.. hehe.. Well,as you can imagine,I love all your songs..
Especially 2 of them..
I guess I do not have to say more..
This is enough..
I wish you a very nice time in the USA..
Things may change after all the time..
You will always stay in my heart... | | | |
09.07.2008, 11:37 Uhr |
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Von: Phuong Linh
Alsooo Julius...
du weißt ja, dass Sandra und ich schon immer große Fans von dir & deiner Musik sind 
Aber mit dem Album hast du nochmal alles übertroffen !! Das Album ist grooooßartig geworden, Respekt! Mir gefallen besonders die Texte..
Ich hoffe, du wirst mal ganz groß mit deiner Musik, hehe Du hast echt das Zeug dazu!
Und viel Glück & Spaß in Amerika, veränder dich nicht allzu sehr ^^
wir werden dich alle voll vermissen =(
PL | | | |
09.07.2008, 10:22 Uhr |
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Ich habe dir ja schon gesagt wie ich dein Album finde, aber nachdem ich es jetzt ungefähr 80 mal ganz durchgehört habe, will ich dir hier nochmal sagen wie
- atemberaubend
- ausdrucks-und charakterstark
- intensiv
- vielseitig
- emotionsgeladen
- und einfach sagenhaft,göttlich xD, traumhaft,
bombastisch und grandios
dein Album ist^^
Die lange Wartezeit hat sich für MICH auf jeden Fall mehr als gelohnt 
Du kannst wirklich stolz auf dieses „Meisterwerk“ sein
Danke nochmal
Ich hab dich ganz doll lieb :-*
Sandra | | | |
08.07.2008, 09:07 Uhr |
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Von: Ami
Jez will ich auch mal was sagen...
Bin ja schon so ein bisschen stolz auf dich,hast du alles sehr schön gemacht!
Aber naja bald gehst du nach Amerika und ich hoffe das deine Zeit da total schön wird.
Werd dich vermissen,sehen uns aber bestimmt nochmal,feierst doch deinen Abeschied oder?
meld dich bei mir
viele küsse. | | | |
07.07.2008, 22:41 Uhr |
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Von: Robert
Hör einer an...nicht schlecht, echt beeindruckend!
Also die Texte sind echt gut und Talent kann man dir wohl durchaus zusprechen.
Mach was draus! | | | |
72 Einträge im Gästebuch!